The Semiconductor Student Alliance - Purdue Chapter just hosted their inaugural Students For CHIPS: Building Tomorrow's Workforce Conference! There are so many great pictures of the sense of community that was cultivated at this event, please take a look. What a wonderful SSA tradition! A huge thanks to our sponsors: ARI (Applied Research Institute), Allen Garner, and Purdue University for allowing such a new student organization host a world-class event with world-class organizations like yourselves! Also a huge thanks to our student volunteers who made the event possible on top of their rigorous schedules! Our 3 pillar strategy was on display throughout the conference: 1) Our team showcased Purdue University's cutting edge semiconductor programs thanks to Adam Mack 2) Industry partners participated with wonderful keynotes from SCALE (Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement)'s Peter Bermel and ARI (Applied Research Institute)'s Mitch Hobson, Ed.S. 3) Students displayed their unique research opportunities throughout our poster session. Many of which coming from the Semiconductors@Birck program put on by the BIRCK NANOTECHNOLOGY CENTER at Purdue University. None of this would be possible without the extreme enthusiasm from all of the students in attendance! So, thank you to all. We had students from all over the country in attendance: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Indiana University Bloomington, and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University to name a few. Thank you for traveling to make this event possible! Mohamed Asrif, Kendal M., Tao-Jung Lee, Shu-Hung (Henry) Lin, Dilay AYGUN, Joseph (Joey) Lopez, Miguel Isrrael Teran, Leo Janert, Henry Coccoluto, Jake Zegger, Sunehra Saleha, Aadithya Vasudevan, Cristina Farmus, Joe Tort, Sophie (Chen-Chin) Tung, Thomas Munson, Eshan Mathur, Tung Pham, Mary Francis, Seokjae kim, and so many more!!!