Last week, Sunridge Nurseries had the pleasure of welcoming Kern County Farm Bureau with the Bakersfield Chamber’s Leadership Class of 2025 for their day of industry tours in celebration of National Ag Day. The enthusiastic group was eager to delve into and learn all about the intricate processes of grapevine cultivation. Our VP of Operations, Adam Lovgren, guided the nursery tour and as a fun surprise to conclude the day, each participant was given a table grape vine to take home and grow on their own! As a local nursery, our commitment to education and community engagement is of utmost importance as we continuously strive to foster meaningful connections that bolster the agricultural industry as a whole. #leadershipclass #nurserytours #nationalagday #sunridgenurseries #sunridge #grapevinenursery #vineyard #winegrapes #tablegrapes #benchgrafts #rootstock #agricuture #farming #family #history #tradition #innovation #premium #quality #grapevines