Renters avoid taking on debt (or needing access to credit) when they use StretchBill. Help your guests avoid these debt pitfalls and sign up with us TODAY: Great article in the WSJ on how debt levels are starting to impact even high-earning consumers. Several conclusions from the article: - Prioritization of mortgage debt over credit card payments is the highest it has been in a century (many have low interest rate mortgages that they can't risk default) - Lenders use employment as their biggest input in credit modeling - if there are massive job losses in federal employees and industries impacted by tariffs it could curtail new credit access - From January 2023 to January 2025, the rate of people earning $150k+ annually that are 60-89 days behind on their debt repayments has DOUBLED Access to credit will not just be an issue for consumers with lower incomes but is starting to impact the demographic making discretionary decisions to book vacation rentals. Agree? #paybybankinstead #avoiddebt #vacationrentals