Our Beams to Bridges Program is back in action in partnership with The Center of Life in Hazelwood! During this week's class, the cohort members eased their way into the space with an amazing meal from Community Kitchen Pittsburgh, warm fellowship with their cohort members, and an intentional breathwork and slow movement grounding exercise. After that gentle welcoming into their 2nd class of the program, folks were then invited to discuss their Personal Interview Questions together in pairs. Here's a question that sparked some meaningful, transparent, and deeply intimate conversations within the full group discussion: 1. Why is it important for Black folks to talk about mental health? The shared conversations that emerged almost instantly created opportunities for those who were comfortable to share their truth(s). In the process of sharing, everyone showed up for each other with a collective sense of honesty, accountability, and encouragement. From the very beginning of their experience, it was clear that this cohort is going to be special. Their evening ended with some final heartfelt reflections and another grounding activity to ease folks out of the session. We're so grateful for everyone's presence and look forward to healing with them over the next 6 months. Beams to Bridges is back! #BlackMentalHealth #BeamsToBridges #LetsHealTogether ????????????????