Amazing to see the dashboards Altkimya from our partner #MSSP E-Secure: "Intelligent data ingestion boosted to #IA": Raphael Poujaud you nailed it! Thank you for this moment Marco Generoso, Nelson Reis , Remi Clavel and Raphael Poujaud. #BusinessProcessAutomation, #CloudStorage #CloudServices, #DataCentreSolutions, #SDWAN, #CyberSecurity, #BusinessApplications #developmentservices, #ApplicationIntegration #integrationarchitect #Modernization, #InformationSecurity, #DigitalTransformation #Content #contentdevelopment #contentdesign Fawad Haider Aamir Aftab Hamid Farooq Frederic MacAigne Umar Saif Ather Rehan Asif Aziz Aamir Ibrahim Tania Aidrus Sally Eaves Antonio Grasso Edwin Diender Ammara Batool Junaid Imam Muneer Hassan Adeel Asad Humayun Bashir Shameel Joosub Wahaj Siraj IJAZ NISAR Mohsin Kamal Philippe HUGUET Abbas K. Malik Ali Jabbar Sheraz Masood Malik Shaza Khawaja NIC Islamabad Muhammad Sajwani Tanya Wajiha Khalid Shehzad Zouhair Abdul Khaliq Muhammad Sajwani Muhammad Ijaz Aslam Huraira Alavi