A toxic work culture will kill your career. Don't let it! Leaving a toxic job is an act of bravery, not a sign of defeat! If you’re in a bad situation at work, leaving may be your only option. Leaving to save your mental health is not a sign of weakness. But you must develop an exit strategy? This cheat sheet will provide a step-by-step guide for leaving a toxic workplace. Use it as your guide for clear action. The 10 steps to follow when leaving a toxic workplace are: 1. Recognize the Signs 2. Seek Support 3. Document Everything 4. Explore Your Options 5. Set Boundaries 6. Create an Exit Plan 7. Stay Positive and Focused 8. Build a Support Network 9. Enhance Your Skills 10. Prioritize Self-Care ? Repost to empower your network! Follow me, Kevin Box??, for more leadership insights. #fuelyourgrowth ???? I'm hosting a free 1.5-hour workshop on December 14th at 9:30 AM Central Standard Time on growing your personal brand and thought leadership on LinkedIn. Everyone who signs up and attends will receive my new 23-page guide, 12 Golden Nuggets to Building Your Online Business – packed with insights on personal branding and earning on LinkedIn. To join, just follow me and DM your email for the invite.
I help creators grow their personal brand and monetize on LinkedIn | Join my Growth Community (Ignite) to learn from the top LinkedIn Creators | Favikon 200 Global
A toxic work culture will kill your career. Don't let it! Leaving a toxic job is an act of bravery, not a sign of defeat! If you’re in a bad situation at work, leaving may be your only option. Leaving to save your mental health is not a sign of weakness. But you must develop an exit strategy? This cheat sheet will provide a step-by-step guide for leaving a toxic workplace. Use it as your guide for clear action. The 10 steps to follow when leaving a toxic workplace are: 1. Recognize the Signs 2. Seek Support 3. Document Everything 4. Explore Your Options 5. Set Boundaries 6. Create an Exit Plan 7. Stay Positive and Focused 8. Build a Support Network 9. Enhance Your Skills 10. Prioritize Self-Care ? Repost to empower your network! Follow me, Kevin Box??, for more leadership insights. #fuelyourgrowth ???? I'm hosting a free 1.5-hour workshop on December 14th at 9:30 AM Central Standard Time on growing your personal brand and thought leadership on LinkedIn. Everyone who signs up and attends will receive my new 23-page guide, 12 Golden Nuggets to Building Your Online Business – packed with insights on personal branding and earning on LinkedIn. To join, just follow me and DM your email for the invite.