Well said, Byron.??
Work is solving problems. Last I checked ?? we are not running out of problems to solve. Every day - millions of workers who do not have a bachelor's degree, but are STARs - Skilled Through Alternative Routes are *solving problems* (and Opportunity@Work has the research to prove it). STARs are working hard to gain skills through many routes, including: ?? on-the-job ?? military service ?? community college or partial college completion ?? workforce training programs or skills bootcamps and MORE That's the message I shared a few months ago at Human Potential Summit hosted by Tear the Paper Ceiling partners Stand Together: STARs are problem solvers - NOT "a problem to be solved." The good news is employers are beginning to realize this and hire for skills, not just pedigree - focusing on the skills that STARs have, not the degrees they lack. Employers are tapping into the talent pool of 70+ million STARs, which represent more than half the U.S. workforce. It's not a favor to give someone a job. They're doing *you* a favor. They're bringing your organization their energy, their talent, they are doing work that needs to get done.