As a teacher, it is imperative to assess and improve your CPS skills, as they are essential for your own learning and growth. You can use various strategies to evaluate and enhance your CPS skills, such as self-assessing with frameworks or tools that define the components and indicators of CPS, seeking feedback from colleagues, students, or mentors on your CPS skills, reflecting on your CPS experiences and identifying your strengths and areas for improvement, and engaging in continuous learning and improvement of your CPS skills. For example, you can use online resources such as the OECD's PISA Collaborative Problem Solving Framework or the ATC21S Collaborative Problem Solving Assessment Tool to self-assess your CPS skills. Additionally, you can use peer observation, coaching, or mentoring to receive constructive feedback on your CPS performance and practice. Moreover, you can use techniques such as journaling, blogging, or podcasting to record and analyze your CPS experiences and insights. Finally, you can take advantage of professional development courses, workshops, or online communities to learn new and better ways of doing CPS.