7 security and governance steps I recommend for AI-powered health-tech startups to avoid hacks and fines: 1. Pick a framework -> The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is non-negotiable if you handle protected health information (PHI). Look at the security, privacy, and data breach notification rule requirements. -> If you want a certification (incl. addressing HIPAA requirements), HITRUST is a good place to start due to origins in healthcare. The AI security certification gives you solid controls for these types of systems. -> If you are looking to cover responsible AI as well as security/privacy, ISO 42001 is a good option. Consider adding HIPAA requirements as additional Annex A controls. 2. Publish policies Longer != better. Use prescriptive statements like "Employees must XYZ." If there are detailed steps, delegate responsibility for creating a procedure to the relevant person. Note that ISO 42001 requires an "AI Policy." 3. Classify data Focus on handling requirements rather than sensitivity. Here are the classifications I use: -> Public: self-explanatory -> Public-Personal Data: still regulated by GDPR/CCPA -> Confidential-Internal: business plans, IP, etc. -> Confidential-External: under NDA with other party -> Confidential-Personal Data: SSNs, addresses, etc. -> Confidential-PHI: regulated by HIPAA, needs BAA 4. Assign owners Every type of data - and system processing it - needs a single accountable person. Assigning names clarifies roles and responsibilities. Never accept "shared accountability." 5. Apply basic internal controls This starts with: -> Asset inventory -> Basic logging and monitoring -> Multi-factor authentication (MFA) -> Vulnerability scanning and patching -> Rate limiting on externally-facing chatbots Focus on the 20% of controls than manage 80% of risk. 6. Manage 3rd party risk This includes both vendors and open source software. Measures include: -> Check terms/conditions (do they train on your data?) -> Software composition analysis (SCA) -> Service level agreements (SLA) 7. Prepare for incidents If your plan to deal with an imminent or actual breach is "start a Slack channel," you're going to have a hard time. At a minimum, determine in advance: -> What starts/ends an incident and who is in charge -> Types of incidents you'll communicate about -> Timelines & methods for disclosure -> Which (if any) authorities to notify -> Root cause analysis procedure TL;DR - here are 7 basic security and governance controls for AI-powered healthcare companies: 1. Pick a framework 2. Publish policies 3. Classify data 4. Assign owners 5. Apply basic controls 6. Manage 3rd party risk 7. Prepare for incidents What else?