St. Benedict Classical Academy转发了
The fear of being "too Catholic." Once at an admissions open house I greeted a lady at the door who said that her grandchildren would be moving to the area and she was "scouting out schools" for them. I welcomed her and she went off with a group of other families for a tour. About ten minutes later I saw her leaving. I knew this wasn't enough time for the tour so I asked her how it went. She looked a little astounded and asked, "Just how Catholic is this school?" and then she left in a bit of a huff. It is one of my proudest moments. Just by walking through the school she knew we were about our mission. Catholic schools have two missions, to sanctify and to evangelize...and in that order, I think. We must see our primary mission as serving those devoutly Catholic families who are seeking our assistance in forming their children in virtue. We cannot take these families for granted, they are the lifeblood of our school. Their families create the culture of our school and keep it on mission. They must be the critical mass of families. If they cannot afford our school then we give them robust tuition assistance packages so that they can. This doesn't mean that we are not open to families who are not already devoutly Catholic. We have a tremendous opportunity to evangelize these families. However, we must be on guard to make sure that they are not the critical mass. We tell prospective families that for our school to be a good-fit it is important that they at least have an affection for the Catholic Church. Too often, desperate for enrollment numbers, our schools have taken anyone who wanted to enroll and could pay. Then somewhere along the way the "mission-lite" or, in most cases, the "mission-absent" families became the critical mass and school administrators became afraid to offend them. This led to us turning our schools upside down where the devoutly Catholic came to be looked upon with suspicion, at best, and disdain, at worst. To be members of our school there should be more required in the admissions process than just "want to." Families and schools should go through a process together to ensure that this is a good fit and will be a healthy partnership. There should be no question in any parent's mind what our mission is, to get our students to Heaven.