Closing date is this Friday. Please take the time to submit an application to this incredible fund.
In all things #ToyShow - we are delighted to share our #ToyShowAppeal Special Newsletter, highlighting all you need to know and all the relevant links in one place! Just to highlight, this year's Toy Show grants round is under 3 thematic strand - addressing essential needs, improving health and well-being, and creativity, and play. If you are an organisation working with vulnerable children and families - then read the newsletter here - and turn in your applications to benefit from this grants round and get funding to continue your impactful work that makes a real difference in our communities Denise Charlton RTE The Wheel Charities Institute Ireland Mark Hughes áine Myler Karen O Mahony Helen Nolan Spraoi agus Spórt FeedCork Feed Cork YMCA Dublin Fergal Landy Barnardos Ireland suzanne connolly Cappagh Hospital Foundation ISPCC Cara House Family Resource Centre Daire Hennessy Adam Donovan Claremorris Family Resource Centre Teen-Turn Children in Hospital Ireland Anna Gunning Niamh Lawlor Kevin O'Brien Variety Ireland ChildVision The Crann Centre Irish Girl Guides The Down Syndrome Centre Limerick Youth Service ECO-UNESCO Down Syndrome Ireland Outcomers Outreach FamiliBase Cork University Hospitals Group Liquid Therapy Children's Health Foundation COPE Galway