Sunday Story Time Crowning Glory Moments Did I ever tell you about the time the Miss America Pageant asked me to work for them? No? Well, this one is for the books, for sure! While working with “Joe”, a vendor for the company I worked for after college I got a strange proposal. My boss and I went to a lunch meeting with Joe. During our meal my boss bragged about a private concert I was giving for an alumni reunion. Joe leaned over the table and acted like he was in shock! He just couldn’t believe that this quiet, somewhat stoic business professional could actually sing! Then my boss told him I was a private voice teacher and that my education was from a conservatory. He was smiling like he had something cooking in his head. Then it got weird. He said “Angel, have you ever competed in the Miss America pageant?” After laughing hysterically I told him NO! He then gave me a sober look and asked if I would consider helping him with our states local competition and get him out of a jam? I had no idea what he was talking about. I had seen these competitions on television, but could not figure out how I could help. My boss was suppressing a smile and excused himself to go back to our office. This whole lunch had been planned for my benefit. This gentleman and his wife had been working for the Miss America pageant for over 20 years and he was the president of our state’s chapter. He wanted me to teach a song to the contestants for the show they presented to the community. They would pay me whatever I asked. How hard could it be? I taught music on the weekends and was always interested in teaching others. Sure, why not? We made the arrangements to work with choreographer and study the music. It was simple, George Cohen’s tune YOUR A GRAND OLD FLAG. Piece of cake! Well, it should have been, but no one told me about stage mothers, pageant coaches and meltdowns under competition stress. I loved the girls and appreciated their hard work, but several couldn’t sing AT ALL! Several couldn’t dance very well either. After the first three days of frustration the choreographer and I started working until 3 Am after each rehearsal to rearrange placements for 50 girls. From the grave I could almost hear Dear old George screaming MAKE IT STOP! ???? However, by the time curtain call on the first night of competition we were ready. These were the best of the best and I fell in love with all 50 contestants. I was so proud of their dedication and kindness to the two beat up music instructors. I was sure I had bags under my bags, but I didn’t care we had a blast! What makes me share this story is we all get put on the spot to do something someone else sees in us. It was the first of many times others had confidence in me to do something I never thought I could do. At first I thought it was going to be easy, but it turned out I love hard work. Never give up! Listen to positive voices of encouragement. You might be the success in another’s story!