Anytime all our companies come together to connect, it makes for an impactful week! Looking forward to what’s next as we continue to grow. #sperbercompanies #maintenancesummit
This past week, we attended the Sperber Landscape Companies Connect 2024 Maintenance Summit at the beautiful Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas. It was an honor to celebrate the successes of each partner company and showcase our shared passion for landscaping. Over the three and a half days we spent together, our sales and operations teams challenged one another to push our limits and excel in our craft. We created many cherished memories that will hold a special place in our hearts as we continue to grow together. #Sperberlandscapeservices #Sperberlandscapecompanies Brian Benavidez Gregory Santamaria Shannon Speratos Frank Annino