Absolutely appalled by the recent news of students with disabilities being asked to sit in the hallway during graduation, I'm compelled to reshare this article I cowrote with Lauren Morando Rhim, for the people in the back!!! THIS IS URGENT!!! PAY ATTENTION leaders, educators, advocates, and folks on the sidelines. The article boldly states, "We’re calling out charter schools and charter advocates who claim to support equity for all marginalized students, yet consistently fail students with disabilities. Some might find this harsh, but we've tolerated poor outcomes for these students for far too long. It's time for a hard conversation." As a side note, my own experience with my autistic nephew echoes this issue. His charter school wanted to place his desk in the hallway, claiming they couldn't support him in the classroom. Shockingly, even the specialized private school he just graduated from dismissed his academic needs, saying, "We don't do academics here." You can't make this stuff up. It's mind-boggling and unacceptable.