As we wrap up our 2024 mobile training season, we’d like to take a moment to say Thank You to the Aurora Sportsmen’s Club for hosting our training programs again this year at the club via the Guest Instructor training program. We had a fantastic time working with everyone at the club, sharing our training programs with the membership, contributing back to the club and always doing our best to leave the bunk house, classroom and range bays cleaner then how we found them. We are in the process of building our 2025 training schedule and we will definitely be back at the ASC again next year with more of our open enrollment tactical handgun training programs. Keep an eye on our training schedule on our website and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone again at the club next year. From all of us here at Spartan Tactical Training Group, we wish all the ASC members and their families a safe and wonderful holiday season. Stay safe. – Krup #spartantactical #spartantacticaltraining #firearmstraining #tacticaltraining #defensivepistol #defensivehandgun #basicpistol #reddotpistol #rifletraining #shotguntraining #tacticalrifle #defensiverifle #tacticalshotgun #defensiveshotgun #reddothandgun #rdspistol #rdshandgun #rds #basichandgun #handguntraining #handguncombatives #opticsreadypistol #opticsreadyhandgun #edc #concealedcarry #fighttowin #winthefight #gunfighter #homedefense #personaldefense #selfdefense @spartantacgroup @Team_Spartan @team_sttg @followers