UNPplus EU in Paris! ?? In the framework of the UNPplus EU, Marc Montlleó and Adrián Cabezas Vegas, from Barcelona Regional, participated in Paris in the urban nature exchange programme and in the consortium meeting of this European project. The exchange programme, held from 18 to 19 March, included workshops on indicators and other tools used in the preparation of urban nature plans (Urban Nature Plans) and visits to some urban planning interventions that guarantee community benefits without displacement, transform existing spaces to achieve sustainable urban living and connect the neighbourhood with the urban fabric, such as Square des Batignolles and Clichy-Batignolles-Martin Luther King Park. From 20 to 21 March, the meeting and general assembly of the UNPplus EU took place at the H?tel de Ville de Paris, Francois Moreau, Head of the Urban Ecology Agency, opened the first day of the meeting with a speech entitled ‘The city of Paris leads the biodiversity restoration movement by example’, which was followed by a debate with the various partners. Then, through different presentations, these partners summarised the state of the project's development: the fulfilment of the objectives, the areas for improvement, the challenges and the planning. In addition, a round table was also held to evaluate the activities carried out with the cities, where Marc Montlleó, among other speakers, talked about the ‘Challenges and opportunities of natural urban plans at regional scale and their links with the local scale. Learning from Barcelona'. The second day of the meeting included a study visit to some areas of the French capital where spaces and streets have been greened and pacified in the past, such as the transformation of the Catalogne Square into an urban forest. #UNPplusParis #NBS #PlaNatura2030 #PlaNaturaBarcelona #naturaurbana #teixiturbà #UrbanNaturePlans #urbannature #citizenparticipation #governanceprocess Céleste Rouberol, Anna B., Kassia Rudd, Almut Ballstaedt, Benedetta Buccolini, Rudd Christophe Najdovski, PARIS NATURE - Ville de Paris - Espaces verts et environnement, Sam Jelliman, Stuart Connop, University of East London, Ian Whitehead, Alessandro Deserti, Dimitra Xidous, Gemma García Blanco, TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Rik De Vreese, European Forest Institute, Kes McCormick, Katarina Hedlund, Lund University, Isobel Fletcher, Horizon Nua, Francesco Molinari, Politecnico di Milano, Beatrice Maria Bellè, maja jovanovic, Ivelina Strateva, Burgas Municipality, Frida Brett-Smith, Erik Andersson