April was out of this world! The month began with the AIAA Southeastern Regional Student Conference, which the Florida Institute of Technology co-hosted with the University of Florida on April 4th and 5th! As branch advisor, our PI worked in tandem with the students to make this event happen. It was the largest Region II Student Conference so far, with over 400 attendees sharing their knowledge at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex! It was an incredibly successful event thanks to our amazing keynote speakers, Joe Bussenger and Scott Henderson, our student leaders, Jaxon Strank and Whitney Reinkoester, the AIAA organizers, Cassy Dellinger and Kurt Polzin, all the amazing student volunteers, and, of course, all the presenters, sponsors, judges, facilitators, and attendees. April was also the month of the first-ever thesis defense by a SPACE Lab student! Congratulations, Master Dylan Barnes, on an exceptional master thesis entitled CAELUS: CubeSat Array for the Exploration of the Uranus System. And thank you very much to professors Eric Swenson and Ryan T. White, PhD for being on the thesis committee and contributing with great comments. Also in April, the AIAA Panther Rocket Team reached new heights: the rocket launch was stellar, with a smooth ascent to 9,258 ft, a top speed of Mach 1.1, and a soft, parachute-assisted landing. Special congratulations to Nathan Tardy and Liceth Daniela Barajas Moreno for their great work as Systems Engineer and Project Manager, respectively. Also thank you for the kind "Exceptional Advisor" award. It was breathtaking to see that rocket fly! Our AIAA student branch hosted the traditional annual dinner in late April, featuring Tim Lawrence as keynote speaker and deservingly awarding the previous faculty advisor, David Fleming, and three student leaders (Jaxon Strank, Nathan Tardy, and Emma Ellestad) for their outstanding work. Also in April, Florida Tech hosted the Engineering & Science Senior Design Showcase, featuring one of the teams advised by our PI. Congratulations to all teams on the great work. Florida Tech's Discovery Day soon followed, where two of our advising clubs, Women In Aerospace Engineering - Florida Tech and AIAA Florida Tech, hosted exciting booths and met with incoming and prospective students. Finally, April ended with our lab presenting at the Interplanetary Small Satellite Conference! It was a great event where we learned a lot and met great people. Dylan Barnes did a great job summarizing the main findings from his thesis on stage. Stay tuned for a journal paper on this topic! May is already a quarter of the way through! And many exciting events have already taken place. More to come! Ad Astra!