???????? ???????????? ?????????????? ???? ????????????'?? ????????: When localizing forest supplies,?mill capacities, forest operations, and pricing, each timber market produces a unique profile. This uniqueness highlights how timberland valuations, wood procurement strategies, and forest management plans get customized to optimize the market and company assets.
Recently, Forisk launched the?Custom Market Forecast?(CMF),?which includes a dashboard-style report and data file with price (cost) forecasts for client-specific timber markets and wood baskets. The?CMF?includes other strategic metrics such forest supplies, growth-to-drain, and annualized growth rates, as well as the top five grade and pulp consumers in the market. For example, we recently analyzed a Southeast Georgia market, which included the following map and consumers by product (Figure). [???????????????? ?????????????? ???? ????????????'?? ????????]
#custommarketforecast #wooddemand #timbermarkets