Our main office, Southland Electrical Supply, completed Switchboards and Motor Control Centers lineup with Schneider Electric - QED Square D. This set consisted of twelve sections of Square D Model 6 MCC sections. Switchboards had 3000A NW Main breaker with vertical Distribution section of 400A, 100A, 50A, 30A, and 20A circuit breakers. Motor Control Centers with Sizes 1, 2, 3, several non-reversing, and multiple feeder buckets. Including 400A Feeder bucket. Full line-up of buckets filling this MCC. Many different departments pull together here at Southland Electrical Supply to complete a project like this every day. The Paint Department refinished and painted the Switchboards, MCC doors, and cabinets. The Bucket building department completed all the buckets. Tested and shipped. Contact Jamie Holland and the knowledgeable Sales Team today! Let South East Switchgear, An IPS Company, create the power distribution solutions tailored to your needs! Located in Birmingham, AL, reach us at 1-877-343-6490. South East Switchgear is an Integrated Power Services company. Product. People. Service. WE ARE YOUR SOLUTION #electricalengineering #electricalcontractor #busbars #circuitbreaker #electrical #electricalengineer #motorcontrol #electricalhouse #EHouse #MCC #rockquarry #AggregateSupply #schneiderelectric #motorcontrolcenter #BirminghamAL #Alabama