I know today feels really hard, and I’m right there with you.
Together, we broke the supermajority, elected me to the State Senate, and secured Josh, Jeff, Rachel, Mo and Elaine’s seats on our Council of State.
And still… we fell short. We might have won, but America lost.
Last night, a clear majority of our fellow citizens chose to embrace a politician who espouses? a terrifying agenda, including an assault on LGBTQ rights, an open embrace of antisemitism and Islamophobia, the end of bodily autonomy, a rejection of judicial precedent, and violent rhetoric against people of color.
But today, I’m choosing not to be afraid. I’m choosing to serve. And for that, I’m ready.
I’m ready to fight hard for maternal health, childcare, and worker’s rights. I’m ready to collaborate when it’s possible and resist when it’s necessary. I’m ready to organize, to learn, and to go back to the drawing board. I’m ready to legislate, to listen, and to lead.
I’m ready to be your next State Senator.
Rabbi Nachman teaches us that the whole world is a very narrow bridge, and, wow – does that ever feel true right now. But perhaps that bridge will lead to more than we dare to dream of right now, to a communal care that can only be forged from our despair.
I’m heartened to know that we’ll be walking along that very narrow bridge together. And together, we WILL make it across: for a better Durham, a stronger North Carolina, and a more compassionate America.
Thank you for your tireless efforts this cycle, and for the work that will take lifetimes. I’ll see you on the other side, and every step of the way until then.
With love,