My thoughts on the Aixun T420D! Excellent bang for the buck!
Exceeded the 3000 character text limit, so left some information out, please ask any questions you may have and I’ll be happy to answer as best as I can.. I love the JBC NASE, tweezers and wand combo.. Love it. However as a trainer, who trains others in not just regular and advanced, but also micro soldering.. a micro soldering station is needed. I cannot afford the price tag of JBC’s $1600 stations, x6. Metcal just released a nano version of their product line, that im supposed to test soon. I have demo’d Hakko’s FX972 with its newest nano attachments.. and even using the smallest tip made for this station, was still not thin enough to reach in tight areas… as JBC was able. For this I am giving JBC big respect. Truly make the thinnest, highest heat output systems on the market. If you can afford several of these? Get them. For affordability/practicality purposes, coming from someone who believes in having great equipment, that provide great results… there’s other options out there. One being the Aixun, dual soldering station. I only listed links to JBCs equipment (further down this post) as this is the station most imitated on the market and is the case with Aixun. For $347 shipped, I was able to receive a complete set of tips and cartridges. Exceptional value when they also perform extremely close to JBC itself. It is possible to use the 3rd party, Aixun tips with the JBC stations, as well as the other way around. The holders and wands, both compatible. The only slight difference initially is that JBC uses a 5-pin connector on their stands and Aixun uses a 6-pin connector of the same family may I add. Simply removing the unused 6th pin from Aixun’s stand, enables you to use JBCs hand piece on the Aixun holder. The reason this station provides great value, is because it provides you BOTH nano and normal, PLUS heavy duty ability. If I purchased a nano station from JBC, I’d most certainly need to purchase a ‘general purpose’ soldering station, due to thermal requirements, the nano can’t provide. This station is all in one. For half the price of the normal single JBC and about ? the price of the dual nano station! (wowzers) I am typically a brand snob… and like to use only the best when it comes to anything really. Because I have been placed in a situation where, having affordable equipment matters.. it’s led me to look at other options and open my mind to purchasing ‘off brand’. I am extremely happy with this find. Link to Aixun, 3 Wand Set (T115, T210 and T245 equivalent irons) with 9 tips included: $322.75