Back to Smith! Jennifer Bullock, M.S.W. ’00, returned for a Ph.D. to deepen her knowledge of psychodynamic theory and to advance her career opportunities with a doctorate in clinical social work. It was an easy choice because she knew SSW's program structure would allow her to stay in the job she loves, spend time with family and do innovative research. Her advice? “You can do hard things.” Read more about her here: 1) Jennifer on her favorite running route on campus by Paradise Pond 2) Proud mom Jennifer with her son at his graduation 3) Jennifer's two sons 4) "Keeping it keto at Smith" (taken during summer 2024 when she returned to campus for a self-imposed writer's retreat) 5) The syllabus Jennifer kept from her favorite course, Gerald (Gerry) Schamess' Knowing, Not Knowing and Muddling Through from 2000 6) After breakfast at King/Scales, summer 2024 7) Jennifer's professional headshot