I am SO thrilled for you my friend. ?? All, Bibliotherapy is one of my most cherished engagements with children; the power of myth, story, and imagination creates magical spaces for children to learn, heal, and grow. This book will be a treasure to all who bring it into their supportive resource libraries. (And big kids too - the power of story with adults is magical!)
Owner Main Line Play Therapy / TEDX Speaker / Keynote Speaker/ Author/ Trainer / Play Therapist / Parent Coach
BREAKING NEWS!! Please spread the word!!!! My heart skipped a beat when I saw this link up on Amazon. This is for sure a passion project with so many amazing interventions that will empower so many children. I am so excited to put this book out into the world. It will be such a great resource for therapists, school counselors, parents and anyone else wanting to support children in creative, fun, playful and meaningful ways. This book would not exist if Deanne Ginns Gruenberg did not inspire me and truly spark my love for children’s books!!! Self Esteem Shop, will be doing preorders soon . We love @ Self Esteem Shop!!!! Shout out to my amazing all-star contributors. I could not have done this project without out your brilliant heartfelt interventions. I am so GRATEFUL!!! @pesipublishing @pesi_inc @katesample_pesipublishing #bibliotherapy @therapeuticbooks #childrensbooks#childtherapy#schoolcounselor #schoolcounselors #parenting #socialemotionallearning #empowerkids #empowerkidstherapy #playtherapy #sandtraytherapy #expressivearts #expressivetherapies The Bibliotherapy Toolbox: 100+ Creative and Playful Story-Based Interventions to Help Kids Create Safety, Overcome Challenges, and Build Resiliency https://a.co/d/iVuJFCy