Wow is about all I can say about the SMBootcamp I attended a couple of weeks in beautiful Tampa, Florida. Thanks to Sam Rosati, Drew Eckman, and Zach Teumer for an amazing few days. Ok, I owe people a few more words that just "Wow" so let me try. SMBootcamp was a multifaceted win for me as a searcher. Here's how: 1. Playbook and tactical next steps - The team and speakers really gave a lot of tangible action steps and spoon fed us how to navigate the search path. While I already knew a lot about search, SMBootcamp laid it out dummy style. 2. A+ level network of searchers, investors, and deal team resources. This alone might be worth the price of admission. Hearing the inside scoop from brokers, bankers, investors, and other searchers was priceless. And bonus: I left the bootcamp with a deal team in my back pocket. I can always go and modify the team to fit my search but I'm leaving Tampa with a deal team at my disposal should I choose. 3. The confidence to actually pull this off. I went to the bootcamp with a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (mostly in myself). Bootcamp didn't magically make all that go away but I left more knowledgeable and prepared to face the fears, uncertainty, and doubts. The search path has a lot of unknowns, twists, and turns but I know I can handle what's ahead of me - even if I don't know what is at the end of my path. Special shout out to some of the amazing speakers: Bruce Marks, Jackie Ossin Hirsch, John Hubbard, and Eric B. Pacifici - just to name a few.