What a fantastic warmup exercise for brainstorming sessions! In 3 minutes, how many recognizable people/places/things can you draw using one or more circles.
Before your next brainstorming session, try this 3-minute exercise to get those creative muscles warmed up! It's called Thirty Circles. I got this idea from IDEO U, and it's a great reminder that creativity is a muscle we can strengthen with the right exercises. It pushes your thinking by turning simple circles into something unexpected! Here’s how it works: Step 1: Give everyone a sheet with 30 blank circles (you can create a template or let people draw the circles themselves). Step 2: In 3 minutes, ask people to turn as many circles into recognizable objects as they can. They don’t have to fill in all the circles—just focus on as many as they can. Step 3: Compare the results. See how many circles each person filled in and look for the variety of ideas. Are the ideas similar, or did people come up with something unique and unexpected? NOTE: Check out the variety of ideas in the picture attached to see how different and creative the results can be! This exercise isn’t just a great warm-up. It also shows the importance of balancing?speed?(getting lots of ideas quickly) and?variety?(coming up with truly different ideas). If you focus too much on speed, you might just end up with variations of the same idea. But when you combine both, you open up a wider range of creative possibilities. Start your next session with this 3-minute warm-up and see the difference in people's thinking afterwards! What's your go-to warm-up? Let me know in the comments. P.S. Did anyone catch that there were only 24 circles in my template? Whoops haha numbers + me have a love/hate relationship ??