We live in a world where news influencers are growing their audiences. But they are also blurring the lines between fact and opinion, which means the role of objective journalism from trusted sources has never been more vital. Great reporting on this from Eleanor Hawkins in Axios. At SmartNews, we believe in the power of balance: amplifying trusted, fact-checked journalism while making space for diverse perspectives. In an era of overwhelming information, let’s champion publishers that provide transparency and nuance. https://lnkd.in/gXsFdw2M
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Delivering the world's quality information to the people who need it.
Created to deliver high-quality news from a wide variety of trusted publishers in one place, the SmartNews team works tirelessly to help readers feel good about being informed. Since the beginning, our mission has been clear: to deliver the world's quality information to the people who need it. We firmly believe that valuable, reliable news should be accessible to everyone. Utilizing cutting-edge AI technology alongside the expertise of seasoned news professionals, the SmartNews app is used by millions of people, earning thousands of 5-star ratings. Behind our success stands a diverse and passionate global team working to provide a well-rounded and comprehensive news experience for every reader. Curious about joining our world-class team? Explore career opportunities and stay updated on the latest by following our page.
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- 2012
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A clear-eyed take from Nieman Journalism Lab editor Laura Hazard Owen. She explains the habit almost every one of us has fallen prey to – constantly scrolling through our social feeds to see people’s reactions to the news of the moment. And she asks: Why not just read and watch trusted media sources, analyze the news critically, and leave it at that? Taking endless social “hot takes” out of the equation, Laura suggests, will lead to a healthier media diet and more quality time with families and friends. Check out her thoughtful piece below: https://lnkd.in/dSFJPbbk
I’m a journalist and I’m changing the way I read news. This is how.
Today’s teens have big opinions about online news. ???? Nearly 400 students told The New York Times about misinformation, media literacy, and news's impact on mental health. Hear their perspective on balancing it all: https://nyti.ms/3NOE09M
Teenagers Tell Us About Their Relationship With News
The problem of online misinformation is extraordinarily serious. But to fight it, you sometimes need to use humor. Learn how and why SmartNews is stepping up our efforts to combat misinformation, courtesy of Andrew Kim. https://lnkd.in/gP6Yt3hg
Trivia That Night Goes Wrong: How SmartNews Fights Misinformation with Humor
Getting facts from your crazy uncle on social media? Not smart. ? Thinking outside your social feed? Smart. ?? Get quality news you can trust with SmartNews. https://lnkd.in/giXThhaP
SmartNews remains a trustworthy source of timely and accurate election news. Our app pulls in election results from the The Associated Press, along with articles from hundreds of publishers that span the political spectrum.
SmartNews’s Jonathan Mota explains how we combat ad fraud to ensure brands and agencies get what they pay for when they advertise on our app. https://lnkd.in/gtzW2gp2