What do YOU think? (Vote 1, 2, 3, or 4 in the comments) I know what I like, but NONE of that matters if no one else does… Today we’re throwing out the book and doing things our own way. I have 3 unique can concepts (plus 1 additional color-way) And we want your feedback! Our incredible friends over at Mertz Design Studio have gone above and beyond providing us with 6 V1 brand worlds for SluttyChai (we were only promised 2, but the team got excited and went all out) We’ve gone ahead and narrowed it down to the top 3 can design concepts and want YOUR feedback. Take a peek and comment your favorite design below! (1, 2, 3, or 4) Stoked to hear your thoughts! #Startup #CPG #BeverageIndustry #BuildingInPublic #SluttyChai