If you're attending WETEC Stuttgart, be sure to stop by stand E11 in Hall 8 to visit our team!
Great first day here at Wetec Stuttgart. Come check out our booth in Hall 8, stand E11.
The Sloan Company was founded in 1957 to design and develop high-reliability lighting products, and by the early 1970s, SloanLED had become a pioneer in Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology. SloanLED's founder, Charles Sloan, was driven by two simple principles: employ the latest technologies to develop quality lighting products and take excellent care of the customers. Today, 65 years later, SloanLED continues to deliver on those principles. SloanLED is a leader in the development and application of LEDs, serving many commercial, industrial, and high-tech industries. By combining its 65 years of lighting experience with ISO 9001 quality recognition, strong warranties, superior technical assistance, and unparalleled customer service, SloanLED is dedicated to providing the best LEDs, support, and results. Headquartered in Ventura, California, with a European sales office in The Netherlands, SloanLED is positioned to support multiple market locations and manage cost and manufacturing worldwide.
Lighting the Way to a Greener Future! We're excited to shine a spotlight on sustainable LED lighting products that are revolutionizing the way we illuminate our world. https://lnkd.in/eJ2bUkQY #Sustainability #LEDLighting #InnovativeSolutions #SustainableBusiness
Classic design turned modern? Only with FlexiBRITE ! https://lnkd.in/ezh6WhmP #lightingInnovation #LEDLighting #FlexiBRITE #creativelighting?
Spectacular installation completed by one of our partners - GICO Insegne. #SloanLED #lightning #signage #signmaker #ledslightning
Executive Manager, International mindset, expert in Lighting, LEDs, Signage, Media and DOOH, committed to reflecting high engagement and long-term relationships based on trust and respect
Spettacolare installazione di GICO Insegne, consolidato partner di #SloanLed Per la sede ad Assago della MilanoSerravalle è stata realizzata ed installata una insegna luminosa utilizzando i moduli VL4 Std 2 lenti 6500k ad alta efficienza luminosa Grazie anche all’apporto di Geplast, il distributore SloanLED nel Nord Italia abbiamo aiutato GICO insegne a calcolare la corretta quantità di moduli richiesta per rispettare le Norme antinquinamento luminoso previste per le cd/m2 E nuovi lavori sono in cantiere …. Spectacular installation by GICO Insegne, an established partner of #SloanLed ? For the Assago site of the MilanoSerravalle company, a luminous sign was produced and installed using VL4 Std 2 lens 6500k modules with high luminous efficiency ? Thanks also to the contribution of Geplast, the SloanLED distributor in Northern Italy, we helped GICO Insegne calculate the correct quantity of modules required to comply with the light pollution regulations for cd/m2 ? And new work is in the pipeline .... ? #SloanLed #GicoInsegne #signage #signmaker #ledlighting?#geplast
Another customer visit was a resounding success, fostering meaningful connections and deepening our understanding of market needs. Our engineering team's dedication and expertise left a lasting impression, setting the stage for even more fruitful collaboration ahead. #sloanled #signmaker #signage #ledlighting
Executive Manager, International mindset, expert in Lighting, LEDs, Signage, Media and DOOH, committed to reflecting high engagement and long-term relationships based on trust and respect
Fa sempre piacere visitare un cliente anzi un partner come Milano Sign, specialmente quando sono così fidelizzati da ordinare bancali interi di VL4 e Prism Nano+ in diverse colorazioni, per un totale di circa 12.000 moduli da abbinare ai trasformatori della serie Quantum. Si può dire una azienda in salute con diversi “progetti da illuminare”!!!! ?? Lo scorso venerdì Serge Verhoeven - Global Sales Engineering and Technical Support Manager – è venuto appositamente dall’Olanda per un training dedicato a Milano Sign in cui abbiamo ascoltato le loro necessità con le differenti situazioni lavorative di tutti giorni, dando il nostro contributo per trovare le migliori soluzioni in termini di efficientamento e “cost saving” ed illustrare i benefici di Wizard 8.0, Il software leader nel settore dei layout LED. Grazie molte a Mario Perroni – titolare di Milano Sign - ed al suo Team per il tempo e l’attenzione dedicata, oltre a ringraziare Geplast, il nostro Distributore, per il fattivo contributo nel servire e promuovere SloanLED sul mercato con passione e professionalità. ...non per niente il claim di PrincipalSloan è “We Speak Sign Language“ e ci preoccupiamo veramente dei nostri partner. It is always a pleasure to visit a customer or rather a partner like Milano Sign, especially when they are so loyal that they order whole pallets of VL4 and Prism Nano+ in different colours, totalling around 12,000 modules to be combined with Quantum series transformers. One can say a healthy company with several 'projects to light'!!!! ?? Last Friday, Serge Verhoeven - Global Sales Engineering and Technical Support Manager - came especially from Holland for a dedicated training session in Milano Sign in which we listened to their needs with the different everyday working situations, giving our contribution to find the best solutions in terms of efficiency and 'cost saving' and illustrating the benefits of Wizard 8.0, the leading software for LED layouts. Many thanks to Mario Perroni - owner of Milano Sign - and his Team for their time and attention, as well as to Geplast, our Distributor, for their active contribution in serving and promoting SloanLED on the market with passion and professionalism. ...it's not for nothing that PrincipalSloan's claim is "We Speak Sign Language" and we really care about our partners. ? ?#sloanled #milanosign #geplast #signmaker #signage #ledlighting