This Friday, we hosted our 18th Round Table event, welcoming guests from all across industry to learn about our research and forge connections! As with our previous events, our members shared poster presentations and gave several talks to give our guests an in-depth look into the current progress for our projects at UC Davis. Seven of our members gave incredible presentations:
- Laura Luna: Numerical Modeling of Cemented Sands: Element and System Level Response
- Hyeon Jung Kim: Interface Shear Behavior of Snakeskin-Inspired Surfaces and Piles in Clay
- Soomin Ham : Hypergravity Modeling of Permafrost Thawing Process
- Hanyu Deng: Investigation of Approaches to Consider Asphalt Mix Fatigue Properties in
Routine Practices
- Jakob Scheel: Modeling Fluid-Solid Interaction During Mafic Magmatic Enclave Disintegration
- Katherine Cheng: Explainable Machine Leaning Models for Soilcrete UCS Predictions
- Dora de Melo: Consideration of Environmental Impacts in Probabilistic Design of Driven Piles
Our panel discussion this year was on a very hot topic: machine learning’s place in industry and practice.?Panelists Katherine Cheng, Maziar Mivehchi, Tom Westover, PE, MBA, Martin Walker, Steve Verigin, Adam B. Price, Christopher Hunt, and Nathaniel Wagner broke into two groups to debate and discuss a?variety of topics, such as how machine learning will / should be used in industry, how industry would change due to the adoption of machine learning, and what this change might mean for working engineers. The audience also contributed greatly to the conversation, sharing their own insights about how they see machine learning currently being used in practice, and how it may be used in the future. Special thanks to all our panelists, and a big thank you to Alejandro Martinez for moderating this engaging conversation!
Also, let’s give a big congratulations to this year’s award winners:
- GEI Consultants, Inc. Best Oral Presentation : Katherine Cheng
- GEI Consultants, Inc. Best Poster Presentations – Dora de Melo, Soomin Ham, Katherine Cheng
- Fugro Graduate Fellowship : Damon Nguyen
- Pat Lucia Geotechnical Engineering Scholarship : Maziar Mivehchi
- Idriss Award for Excellence in Geotechnical Engineering : Dora de Melo
- Professor “CK” Shen Chih-Kang Shen Endowed Fellowship: Jose Luis Caisapanta