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Every person of conscience should be horrified by the latest attacks by the Trump administration on the lawyers and legal system that are holding him accountable. That includes yesterday's Presidential Memorandum weaponizing the powers of the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security against lawyers who oppose the Trump administration’s actions. Every lawyer had better wake up and stand up. See my statement below: "Weaponizing the legal system to intimidate and silence lawyers—particularly those defending civil rights and civil liberties—is a dangerous manipulation of the rule of law and a subversion of democracy. It completely undermines the fundamental principles of justice and erodes trust in the legal system. "The people and institutions of the legal profession—including individual lawyers, law firms, nonprofit organizations, bar associations, courts, and judges—are all the nation has left to prevent authoritarian overreach. They should not be targets of political witch hunts and political retribution. They should not be punished for doing their jobs. And the advocates among us should not be punished for winning. "The nation should reject any attempt by a sitting president to abuse the rules of the legal profession in this way. That kind of action is meant to have a chilling effect across our field, leaving people who have been wronged nowhere to turn for help.? "For 60 years, the Lawyers’ Committee has worked to defend justice and hold those in power accountable when they overstep the bounds of their authority and violate the rule of law. We will not be deterred from our mission. In fact, our mission is even more vital than ever. So, we will redouble our efforts to fight for justice, advance civil rights, and uphold the rule of law.? "We call upon others in the private bar to do the same, starting with calling out these blatant attacks for exactly what they are. We implore lawyers, law firms, and all in the legal profession to find the courage to stand up for the rule of law.? Stand up for your own values.? Stand up for civil rights.? Stand up for each other.? And at least stand up for yourselves." #RuleofLaw #CivilRights #Lawyers #Justice #Democracy Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law