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SiblingsOfIlm is an online portal uniting students of sacred knowledge across the globe in one place with an aim to produce content relevant to their studies, producing articles, book reviews, webinars, weekend intensives, long-term courses, educational videos, infographics, and much more!

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    Allah says in the Qur’an: Indeed We have created man, and We know whatever thoughts his inner self develops, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein. [Qur’an 50:16] The concluding part of verse states: ?????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????????? (We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein). The 'closeness' mentioned in the verse, as agreed upon by scholars, refers to "nearness in terms of all-encompassing knowledge" rather than physical proximity. In this context, the verse signifies that Allah's power and knowledge encompass man so completely, both internally and externally, that His power and knowledge are nearer to him than his own jugular vein. The term warid [pl. awridah] in the Arabic language refers to animal veins that supply blood to the entire body. Medically, there are two types of veins: [1] the veins that emerge from the liver and supply pure blood to the entire human body. In medical terminology, only these veins are referred to as warid [awridah]; and [2] the veins that emerge from the heart and supply the subtle vapour of blood to the entire human body, which in medical terminology is referred to as ruh [soul]. These veins are called shiryan in Arabic, which actually refers to an artery. The first type of veins has thick walls, while the second type has thin walls. The word warid in the above verse does not necessarily apply to the vein that comes from the liver in the medical sense. In fact, it could well apply, in the literal sense, to the vein that comes from the heart, as a type of blood circulates through it as well. Since the purpose of this verse is to demonstrate that Allah possesses complete knowledge of all thoughts that cross the mind of man, the literal sense of the term seems more appropriate. Nevertheless, whether the word warid is taken medically to mean a vein coming from the liver or an artery coming from the heart is immaterial. In both cases, the life of living creatures depends on it. If the veins or arteries are severed, the creature loses its soul and dies. In short, Allah encompasses complete and full knowledge of everything pertaining to man, for He is closer to him than his jugular vein. [Ma?āriful Qur?ān, Tafsir Surah Qaf, Verse 16]

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    The Power of Repetition: Emphasising Key Lessons | The Perfect Teacher ? The Prophet ? would repeat his words in order to emphasise the topic, to draw the attention of those listening to its importance and to enable listeners to fully comprehend it beyond doubt. Highlighting this, Imām Bukhārī titled a chapter in his ?a?ī? ‘Chapter on repeating a speech three times so that it is understood.’ Ibn ?ajar, in his Commentary, said ‘two or three’ came in this ?adīth because the narrator was not quite sure. But that indicates that repeating three times is not a must. The goal is to understand and once it is achieved, one can stop.

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    This verse of the Qur’ān has served as a beacon of hope, reminding the people of Palestine, that their faith is a source of strength that transcends the challenges they face. We hear them recite it in the most difficult of situations. It fosters a mindset of patience, perseverance, and reliance on Allah's infinite mercy. What does this verse mean? In the face of immense challenges, reciting this verse becomes an affirmation of faith and trust in Allah's wisdom and divine plan. The phrase "Hasbunallahu" – "Allah is sufficient for us," conveying the belief that with Allah’s support, believers can find contentment and satisfaction regardless of the hardships they face. This is the same statement recited by Ibrahim (peace be upon him) when he was thrown into the fire and this is the same verse the Prophet (peace be upon him) advised the companions to recite when he sensed that his statement was heavy for them; The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: 'How can I be comfortable when the one with the horn is holding it to his lip, his ears listening for when he will be ordered to blow, so he can blow.' It was as if that was very hard upon the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon them), so he said to them: 'Say: “Allah is sufficient for us and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.” By putting one’s complete trust in Allah, by leaving matters unto Him, by seeking only His grace and mercy, by accepting His decree, by submitting to His Will – a believer can equip himself to face any challenge that he is faced with. We all face different changes in our individual lives, let us make this verse a constant reminder on our lips inshā?Allāh. May Allah grant our brothers and sisters in Palestine ?āfiyah, abundance of goodness, safety and protection, and the highest ranks in Jannah al-Firdous for all those who have lost their lives. Amīn Yā Rabb. See: Sahih al-Bukhari 4287, Jāmi? at-Tirmidhī 2431

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    There are three conditions that make charity a form of worship. 1. That which is spent in the way of Allāh should be clean, pure and ?alal for it appears in ?adīth that Allāh accepts nothing but that which is clean, pure and ?alāl. 2. One who spends should be good in intentions and righteous in deeds. An ill-intentioned and showy spender is like that ignorant farmer who throws away the grain on a spot where it is wasted. 3. The one to whom ?adaqah is given should be deserving of it. Two conditions that make charity go in vain are: 1. Publicising your favour after spending. 2. Considering the one who receives your ?adaqah as disgraced, or insulting him and causing him pain. Allāh is need-free (?????) as well as Forbearing (??????). Allāh needs nothing from us. Us spending in the path of Allāh doesn't benefit Allāh in any way. Therefore, an intelligent being should keep in mind that whilst spending in the way of Allāh, he isn't doing anybody a favour, he is actually spending for his own good. [Ma?āriful Qur'ān, Volume 1, Page 651-652]

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