Summer of Science Part 3??
Last but certainly not least, I want to highlight my time at the Shoals Marine Laboratory—a truly transformative experience that solidified my passion for scientific research. Living on Appledore Island alongside accomplished researchers and scientists provided an immersive environment that deeply enriched my understanding of a life dedicated to science.
Our days were demanding yet rewarding, from 5 AM wake-ups for field surveys to late-night data entry and statistical analyses in Kiggins. Immersed in intertidal zones, we navigated challenging conditions and learned firsthand how to adapt to complex fieldwork scenarios while still upholding scientific rigor. Beyond the practical challenges, the moments spent sharing meals with peers and mentors were truly special. These conversations, filled with thoughtful exchanges and shared experiences, not only deepened my understanding but also strengthened my appreciation for the power of collaboration in research.
This experience offered an exceptional opportunity for scientific inquiry, including mastering species identification, conducting comprehensive site surveys, learning R for data analysis, and designing a research project grounded in 40 years of Shoals data. The study focused on analyzing spatial and temporal shifts in intertidal biodiversity on Appledore Island, culminating in the research presentation titled "A Rockin' Journey Through Time and Space: Intertidal Biodiversity on Appledore Island."
A special shout-out to my intertidal research team—Melody Rose, Eli Fastiff, and Amahra Matthai—as well as the entire SURG cohort, who made this experience unforgettable.