Shit PitchµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
Shit Pitch

Shit Pitch


Salt Lake City��Utah 907 λ��ע��

Helping investors connect with the best entrepreneurs!


Disruptive networking events, designed to connect Entrepreneurs with Investors, by showcasing their marketing, adaptability, and communication skills. --- Hear from CEOs at the seed-stage, BUT with a huge twist! They'll present more than just their normal business pitch... Each of the five will have 5mins to present a bad business idea to the audience, in an effort to convince us that it could actually work. The ideas are randomly selected for the participants and are often completely ridiculous. This isn't just for laughs, but no reason we can't have fun as we talk business. The intent is to give entrepreneurs a way to step out from behind their personal startups, as they show the group of investors their adaptability, marketing skills, and salesmanship!

1 ��
Salt Lake City��Utah


Shit PitchԱ��


