Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC) headquarters’ (HQ) staff congratulated SCSTC’s Small Surface Combatant (SSC) Lead for Functional Integration Directorate, N5, Mr. Scott Roane, on his selection as HQ’s Civilian of the Year (COY) for calendar year 2024, during an awards ceremony onboard Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, Virginia, Feb. 25.
Roane thanked each department for their collaboration, innovation, and dedication to the training mission during his award presentation.
“The reality is, I wouldn’t have been considered if not for some very patient, wise, engaged, and approachable teammates.” he explained. “To me, this recognition says more about what ‘we’ do together than any individual accomplishment. We are doing this together.”
Part of the SCSTC team and federal service since December 2020, Roane continues to excel as the forward-facing leader in multiple high-visibility/high-impacting programs and initiatives for the domain.
As the SSC Lead, he works with various program offices and Navy commands to prepare for the delivery of the Constellation-Class Guided-Missile Frigate (FFG 62) and the delivery of Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Mission Modules and the Lethality and Survivability upgrades.
In 2024, he coordinated N5 warfare lead attendance for eight separate Training Technical Interchange Meetings to ensure system specific training plan readiness.
He also worked with stakeholders on Preliminary Shipboard Manpower Document, Crew Sequencing Phasing Plan, and Navy Training Systems Plan development and review.
Additionally, Roane coordinated and executed the FFG Aegis Weapon System (AWS) training plan analysis for the domain where he aligned expectations for FFG AWS training and provided the current status of development efforts.
Furthermore, Roane conducted numerous analyses, meetings, and reviews across various organizations and programs to ensure system specific training plan readiness, leadership focus, and product alignment.
Through his professionalism, expertise, passion, and commitment, Roane greatly contributes to SCSTC’s success as a global, training organization. He cares deeply about his colleagues, both professionally and personally, and is truly an invaluable asset to the SCSTC team. His vital contributions help ensure that SCSTC provides the U.S. Navy and our allies with highly trained warfighters to maintain, operate, and tactically employ surface combat systems across the spectrum of operations.
#SCSTC #COY #Dahlgren #GreatPlacetoWork #USNavy #ForgedByTheSea #FromSeabedtoSpace #FridayMotivation
Naval Education and Training Command MyNavyHR Naval Support Activity South Potomac Scott Roane