Not many people would be happy to find a coyote in their backyard. In Indianapolis, they’re considered by most a nuisance to our neighborhoods.
Yet, along with many other “nuisance” animals, they serve a real purpose. I try to help the public understand their crucial roles within our environment. My kinetic design course at Herron School of Art + Design co-taught with Olivia Hebbe, was an excellent vehicle to share our Indiana University Indianapolis colleagues’ research.
The point of our work is simple—we want to show that ecosystems in which these animals thrive are also where people thrive.
Our class Instagram page, indycritterchronicles, distills complex data into accessible animation using footage from trail cams and field observations from my colleague Patrick Gentry at the School of Science at IU Indianapolis. These works of art help more people understand our animals—like coyotes—and their place in the city.
I am immensely proud of the work IU Indianapolis students, faculty, and researchers are doing. As an R1 university, we have more opportunities to continue our studies than ever before. Thanks to this collaboration between science and art, we can help Indy become more aware of our natural ecosystem and how it directly impacts us as a city and people.