I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to give back and serve as a mentor to first-generation students as they tackle their unique journeys from undergrad to postgrad life! It’s been almost 4 years (wow time flies) since I was in a similar position. Undoubtedly, ScholarMatch played a pivotal role in my professional development, enabling me to kickstart my career with Meta today.
Don't forget that our final Scholar Voices panel of the spring season, Shaping STEM Leaders, is this Thursday, March 20 (12:00-1:00 p.m. PST), featuring ScholarMatch alumni and two other special guests. Our students will be joined by ScholarMatch board members Karen Grace-Baker, MBA and Julie Huang, PhD, who are also mentors and first-generation graduates themselves. We hope you can join this amazing conversation on how mentors can help students overcome obstacles to achieve their college and career goals. We hope to see you there! Register at?