#scansense is a proud member of the #norwegianoffshorewind cluster, which is very actively and so brilliantly promoting Norway’s considerable ability to facilitate the energy transition — right NOW. Wind, Hydrogen; it’s happening NOW and #scansense find ourselves in the middle of it. #scansense er stolt medlem i klyngen #norwegianoffshorewind som sv?rt aktivt og solid promoterer Norges betydelige evne til ? fasilitere energiomstillingen N?. Vind, Hydrogen; det skjer N? og #scansense st?r st?dig midt i den.
Sensors make sense ?? Our member ScanSense AS monitors a multitude of offshore operations to protect lives, assets and the environment. ScanSense has developed, designed, delivered and serviced thousands of High-Precision, High-Quality Load & Pressure Sensors with extremely long life-expectancy for demanding maritime use for some 40 years. New energy sources require new designs and, ideally,?standardized sensor designs?to accommodate the margin and ROI business case of wind farms. ScanSense is perfectly positioned to deliver on these challenges and their wind business is – for the 5th year running – growing faster than any of their conventional business streams. -ScanSense is proud to safeguard conventional energy operations, but we are just as proud, if not more, to have become the number one trusted sensor partner for the truly global players that dominate the maritime equipment & solutions market related to offshore wind whether it be installation vessels, service vessels, gangways/walkways, cranes or mooring solutions, where our experience with wind energy dates back to Hywind some 10 years ago, says CEO Inga Daler. Paal Martin Vagle - Stein Olav Skarb?