This past week our Founder, Marcy Berman ? ?? ?? had the pleasure of flying two SAB adoptables, Yvette, Jose to Chicago to visit longtime adopters Jennifer and Tommy who recently lost 2 senior bunnies. From Marcy: “Young bunny energy and antics. It's all fun and games until the bunstruction begins! Yvette LOVES attention and within minutes was up on the sofa. A few minutes later she had squirmed her way UNDER the sofa where she stretched out for a nap in the shade. We're testing out different furniture configurations to give her safe space to play and hang out with the family. If you are an approved adopter consider flying me and a bunny (or two) out to you! Haha the only way for me to get a vacation!” We are so excited for Yvette, Jose along with Jennifer and Tommy as these two celebrate settling into their forever home! Big thanks to Alaska Airlines for allowing the bunnies in cabin and making this adoption possible!