Savage and Son is making major mechanical and plumbing upgrades at the Attorneys General Buildings in Carson City, contributing to a full remodel of these critical government facilities. Our crews are working on a brand-new mechanical room with full heating system overhaul at the Attorney General CUP including mechanical overhaul with new boilers and chillers. We’re also working on upgrades at Hero’s Memorial & Annex buildings including all new mechanical and plumbing systems and installation of new pumps, boilers, heaters, and piping.??Things are moving quickly as we work alongside all subcontractors to bring this project to completion efficiently. We're proud to contribute to an essential public works project that supports the infrastructure of our state’s government. Another major milestone for Nevada’s oldest contractor! ?? #savageandson #nevadasoldestcontractor #renonv #biggestlittlecity #renoplumber #nevadaconstruction