We’re feeling good this Friday because we just got our professional photos back from our annual Service Awards Banquet. There, we recognized 290 employees who reached years of service milestones in 2024, ranging from 5 years all the way up to one employee who reached 60 years as part of the #SargentoFamily! When we gathered recently for our annual Service Awards Banquet, CEO Louie Gentine reflected on the moment. “You don’t get some somewhere by doing things that are comfortable. You have to take risks and innovate; you have to bring things to the market. And thankfully, we’ve had a lot more successes than failures in our 70+ years. That has really been a result of the people in this room, people that aren’t celebrating their recognition, and certainly all the retirees who have been with us for some time.” Louie shared to close out the night. Thank you and congratulations to all those who reached a major milestone in 2024!? #SargentoFamily #recognition #employee #feelgoodfriday