Come network with the Experts! Register today!
Maggie Ledbetter, CIPP-US, Director of Professional Services at Exterro, will be joining us at the ARMA California Summer Conference and navigating us through the new California assessment regulations and what it means for IG professionals. Don't miss it . . REGISTER TODAY at Organized by ARMA GLA, ARMA Golden State, San Diego ARMA, SCIE ARMA, and OCARMA - Orange County Chapter of ARMA. Special Thanks to our Business Partners Annex, Vital Records Control (VRC), Nth Generation Computing, Corodata Record Management Inc., Iron Mountain, Gimmal, Complete Paperless Solutions, ViaTRON SYSTEMS, INC., and isausa, inc. dba Integrated Scanning of America. Institute of Certified Records Managers, Certified Information Governance Officers Association, Institute for Information Governance, AIIM International, IRMS - Information and Records Management Society, Jesse Wilkins, IAPP - International Association of Privacy Professionals, Mike Casey, Mark Diamond, Alan Friel, Joseph Smith, Bryan Willett, Andrew Ysasi, Ryan M. Z., Marshall Commons, Freddy Flores, Records Management University, County of Orange, San Jose State University Department of MIS, City Clerks Association of California - CCAC, City of Irvine, Orange Coast College, International Legal Technology Association (ILTA), #Privacy #AI #meta #CyberSecurity #IG #CPRA #FBI #InformationGovernance #RecordsManagement #ICRM #OCARMA #ARMA #DataGovernance #InformationManagement #misac #nagara #ICRM