I had the pleasure of visiting West Point twice in the last couple of weeks.
Firstly for the Annual Cadet Engineer Dinner on Wednesday, Feb 12th, held in Eisenhower Hall and sponsored by the New York City Post of SAME and the Army Engineer Association, where we celebrated those Cadets who will be entering the Engineer Regiment. After a great keynote address by BG Kirk Gibbs, USACE DCG for Military and International Operations, I had the honor of offering a few closing comments. Also had the chance to once again connect with my old boss, mentor, and friend, MG Tony Funkhouser (Ret) with whom I served for a year in Afghanistan. Also spent some time with BG Margaret Burcham (Ret), COL Mike Donovan (Ret) and his lovely wife Ann, and countless other friends and many of the Cadets. This is always a wonderful event and kudos to the Young Member Committee of the NYC Post along with the SAME West Point Student Chapter Cadets who teamed up to put together an amazing evening!
I was also delighted to return last evening, February 24th, to spend some time with a few of the Cadets, discussing engineering challenges and the sort of management, leadership, and relationship principles that can be applied to resolving them - using both military and civilian case studies as backdrops. Great back and forth discussions that make me feel very comfortable knowing that these Cadets will soon be serving our Country. And, whether they end up as life-long Army Officers or leaders in the civilian world, their superlative training received at West Point will serve them (and our Country) well! (Wearing a great USACE cap and holding a 250th Anniversary Army Engineer mug that were presented to me --- THANK YOU)
Wonderful kudos to COL Ben Wallen of West Point, who also finds himself in the middle of all these wonderful events!