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Transparency Nerd | Sales Historian | Keynote Speaker (CSP?) | Sales & Leadership Trainer | 2x Author
“We think you’re ready.” Those were the words that came out of my CEOs mouth when I learned that I was being promoted from running field operations to running an entire sales organization. - Did I have any experience running a sales team? Nope. - Did I have any training in sales leadership or management? A little. (I had taken a generic AMA “being a manager” class on my own.) Running a sales organization was my goal - so this was my goal achieved…well, until I realized I truly had no idea what I was doing. I wasn't ready. Two days in, I was already feeling like a dog chasing a car down the street, never knowing what direction it was headed. I naturally fell back on my default training…being a salesperson. That’s what I knew. My leadership approach? A random combobulation of the things that stuck with me from leaders I had worked for in the past. Sound familiar? As a salesperson, I had a structure…a framework. As a revenue leader, my calendar and to-do list was my framework.?And, given that I didn’t really know how to do anything on said list/calendar, Advil became my mid-afternoon snack. So, being the nerd that I am, I created a structure…a framework for revenue leadership. It became the foundation for my planning, strategizing, seeing the holes before they formed, communication…and when the heat went up in the kitchen, I had it to fall back on: my new default. I used it for the next 10+ years, optimized it, researched/sciencized it, and laid it on a bed of transparency. I’ve been teaching it (a lot) to revenue leadership organizations, wrote a book about it, and now, starting in February, in conjunction with Sales Assembly, we’re bringing it to first-line revenue leaders. I'm totally biased, but for a virtual program series, I've made it as entertaining, head-slapping, and immediately actionable as possible. Optimized for how we learn and retain (which also means there's an attendee max), it's not “theory”…just stuff you can use to maximize your impact and the performance of your teams, sleep better, sound smarter, build lasting culture, and hopefully take with you for the rest of your careers… I'll let Jeff Rosset, Matt Green, or Brad Rosen weigh in here on the details and the process to sign up. Let's get nerdy...