?? This afternoon yet another child was seriously injured after being struck by the driver of a Chevy Tahoe. That makes 4 in the past week, with 2 of those involving serious injury. Today's incident occurred in District 19 (Frank Mascari). Where are our elected leaders? Why are they not speaking up? Do they not care that children are being mowed down on our streets? Where is the urgency from the city to do something (anything, really) about this crisis in the short term? Crickets. Crickets, while children are being mowed down on our streets.
*** MULTIPLE CHILDREN STRUCK BY DRIVERS IN THE PAST 24 HOURS *** In the 24-hour period between 3/12 8:41PM and 3/13 8:24PM: * THREE Juveniles were struck by drivers of vehicles * ALL THREE were transported to local hospitals by medics * TWO were riding bicycles at the time they were struck * ONE was classified as involving Serious Bodily Injury (SBI) The two riding bicycles were 13 and 9 years old, respectively. The third, on foot when struck, was just 7 years old. The first incident occurred in District 25 (Brian Mowery), the second occurred in District 14 (Andy Nielsen — Vision Zero Task Force), and the third occurred in District 11 (Crista Lee Carlino). ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We need our elected officials to show URGENCY and we need them to do so without any further delay. We've been told that we have to take this slow and we have to be deliberate. Slow and deliberate is going to get more of our city's children injured and killed —?and that is simply NOT acceptable. CC: Maria Cantrell