The EducationDynamics #InsightsEDU Echo Series continues today with a session from Dr. Jodi Blinco and Jeanna Sinn. More than ever, an integrated and collaborative approach to driving reputation and revenue for campuses is critical. Hope to see you there!
There's still time to join us today for our "From Silos to Synergy" Webinar! Join Dr. Jodi Blinco, Vice President for Enrollment Management Consulting and Founder of the U School at EducationDynamics, and Jeanna Sinn, Chief Operating Officer at Post University for a webinar on how cross-departmental collaboration can drive enrollment success. Discover actionable steps to align marketing, admissions, and academic teams for better results. Register at: #HigherEducation #HigherEducationMarketing #InsightsEDUEchoSeries #EnrollmentManagement