#xcsiro ToD21thCentury 141-150: Australian Worsted Comb Story

#xcsiro ToD21thCentury 141-150: Australian Worsted Comb Story

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC150?#csiro );?

Creativity is such a bit*h for?#csiro . After my last comment on my treatment and asbestos ridden former division, I drove past the site to see the 1990's upgrade to the labs at cost of $80 million probability $160 million in today money - only to see it as an empty field with commonwealth gov trying to flog off land that was once an asbestos-riddled site. I worked in one of the WW2 huts that was used for storing wool. So it was not only a psychological torture but I now have a bronchial problems I hope it does not develop pass that point. On site it was known as "Chemist disease" often referred to the fact that organic chemist were enthusiastic when using fume cabinets. If you ever considered working for csiro Feel lucky if your job application was rejected by CSIRO, I was not so lucky. Here in one clip I can sum up how csiro innerworkings with this clip: Amadeus Mozart playing Salieri's music..?https://lnkd.in/gWYCKN3m ?as "csiro management of science" watches on. Laughing at your "minor deity" in csiro never pays off, they got that position because they were schemers, scheming for months, years and conspire to make you redundant even if you are successful with patents. A major sin in csiro is being more creative (or smarter ) then your boss, success in csiro is not important it is all about "past glories of others", ephemeral issues and we shell never speak of failures ( faking it is also good ). Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC149?#csiro );?

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What Hubris! ; "Making the impossible possible", I was there between my age of 25-35y , I have contributed with 1 patent and IP every 3 years to have those in management steal my work and recognition and claimed it as their own by virtue of hiring my services. Here is first theft; alphabetizing the names on the patent: Ref: "Guide to CSIRO Pt.1/12"?https://lnkd.in/gBEae_4 ?But that is not the only one and I was not the only person the other was Dr.B.Kirby. At that time that was first theft by the management of csiro, I thought I will get another term and I was paying dues. I did get another term in total of 3 consecutive terms only to be made ongoing. Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga . When I decided to stand up for my self after my biggest patent I found what a pit of snakes I stepped into. They added many names to what was essentially my patent - thereby watering down my effort, next step was to convince me to stay at the efficiency bar; "you are ongoing and most people sit on the efficiency bar for 2 years ", following year age 35 with 2kids and mortgage, sick wife, I was made redundant - "based on lack of promotion". The people in management of science are not scientist they are science hangerons leaches, they used my permeant HR file as toilet paper. Most of them had mediocrity of careers in some form of management of science supressing people that belong in?#csiro . My biggest fundamental patent was lost to NSC Schlumberger - I had a pleasure to be in France after csiro and found really what they think of csiro mediocrity and csiro need to claimed collaborative agreements without having any contribution - it was a joke. I can name several instances in which EU labs in Switzerland, France or Germany were presented with a "csiro collaborative" agreement only to be told not to come, The Schlumberger thought I was hired from Eastern Europe to give mediocrity in csiro an edge, I told NSC Sclumberger ; "I am afraid I am an Australian; not everyone in Australia has a UK sounding name", NSC went to a great length to have Dr.Kirby and I reinstated inside csiro even have a Minister from our government mediate. Hon Gavin O'Conner opinion was: "Nick, you and Brenden are so hated they will burn the place down rather then have you back", Schlumberger was faced with same problem - "property ownership of anything Nick and Brendan produced" - you guessed it csiro was going to get Schlumberger collaboration but they would have to pick up the cost with 100% ownership to csiro. You can imagen how fast the NSC Schlumberger negotiating team left after that comment. Start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR

I built a company with hardware to prove that everything is possible without CSIRO. I made impossible possible - NOT CSIRO. Historically - CSIRO took twice as long not to gain new ground but to lose my IP and patents -good news csiro medals were given out for mediocrity and image?#xcsiro Feel lucky if your job application was rejected by CSIRO, I was not so lucky.

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC148?#csiro );?

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There is always a true story behind every csiro narrative, legends & myths like "..as a freshly graduated research assistant", she lasted at csiro for only 3.5y, I could break that down for the reader but its sufficient to say csiro did not recognize the talent when Bronwyn was there, that 0.5y must have been hell for B, as most terms are 3 y + extensions. There was a choice to place B into a csiro PhD program. I have known 6 people that csiro placed on their PhD program with full pay; non of them yielded results, one even became mentally ill. Post CSIRO he went to work at Deakin Uni , site not far from CSIRO Div Wool Tech, in which his employment was secured through the unofficial channels. His PhD ended up being completed by his csiro supervisor ( it wouldn't be done to have a CSIRO PhD student fail ) This csiro supervisor also deprived myself of a csiro PhD while I was an ongoing employed at CSIRO, by telling me that "...I was ongoing, successful and did not need a PhD- we got plenty of those", while he was scheming for my success and redundancy. Lack of PhD played part in my redundancy. So perhaps this is B's success - not having to climb up a slippery pole starting at Groupleader...to Chief and beyond ( there are many layers in that sh*t cake of management of science each less productive as you move up). It's is all about politics in csiro it trumps science and technology.?

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This is a figure from my favourite SF movie - "Blade Runner" that hints that all is not what it appears. It is a narrative a spin a half-truth an image.

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC147?#csiro );?

I understand about "paying dues" - this was my first patent with csiro and first theft by the senior staff of my work. Mhee! I got more, as result of this I was made ongoing ( I was young eager and na?ve). This guy had very little achievement for 30y+ in csiro but he convinced me to "alphabetize the names" on what was essentially my work. His name was Dr. Linsey Allen You can read more; https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/young-users-guide-csiro-part-1-dr-nick-sokolov-crd/ If I followed his logic the most successful scientists in csiro would be those the Dr.Aa*** in their name ( more like yellow pages listing ). I think he really thought I was stupid, but that is how csiro works and non-archives. Because of my successes with patents and IP I lasted 3 consecutive terms - 3 times as long as Bronwyn Fox until I stood?up for myself only to realize that I was still na?ve when it came to csiro politics and offence I gave to some minor deprived being who wanted me to be eternally grateful for an ongoing position and "hold my mouth just the right way" and s8ck.

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?I was often told not to judge CSIRO from my limited & intense10y expereince in the Division of Wool Technology, and as I was also told that they were particularly politicly active other divisions do not behave like that. Management of science through practice of "quantum mechanics" or simply selective statistics, with moto "In a casino; luck is greatly underestimated". I still think "making impossible possible" height of hubris by a "management of science", and I have actually made impossible possible when I was an employee of CSIRO only to have petty jealousies steal my work and my ongoing position made redundant for those deemed "more qualified". And my csiro permeant file used as a "toilet wall" to smear my reputation after 35. What hurt the most was people "deemed more capable and qualified" losing our IP and patents to NSC Schlumberger. With a cherry on the top - they gave each other csiro medals. BUT I did not give up on my strong belief that my project was viable?#abares ?. Read more:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga ?or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR

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Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC146?#csiro );?

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?"A Physics Prof Bet Me $10,000 I'm Wrong" Veritasium YouTube Channel. "A UCLA Physics Professor bet me $10,000 that my video about going downwind faster than the wind was wrong"https://lnkd.in/g_u6XWHH

As much as I detest physicist, UCLA Physics Professor is correct intuitively. Energy is conserved from sink to source and one can take advantage of it by cleaver mechanical means. However his analysis was deficient - being a Physicist and not a user of Lagrangian mechanics or its more generalized Hamiltonian mechanics. This also lead to an admission by the presenter of Veritasium that he as a Physicst and is deficient in Lagrangian to offer a more fuller explanation of why he won the bet.

Lagrangian or its derivation Hamiltonian are well worth the effort to learn for a Physicst and not walk around thinking that Newtonian F=ma at low speed with its summary of everyone's work up to that point ( I am not mentioning Hooke or Leibniz controversy, and Newton had sh*t load of controversies including bible studies and the end of days - he was a nut) . Also Newton had very limited appreciation of rotational motion and energy storage in relation to linear momentum. He was much better in optics. He was man for his day many have excided his achievements before and after, yet he is touted as "universal solver" of physical problems. His thinking was a type of dead end for those in engineering and Physics who do not use Lagrangian. I had a pleasure of working with "know it all dumb ar* physicst PhD in x-ray crystallography" a person that got their PhDs in unrelated fields but claimed overall knowledge of everything Newtonian, my problem was that he was my boss in?#csiro ?#TeamCSIRO ?#xcsiro

This bet is a Faustian deal on which the Physics Prof paid. The vehicle did exceed wind speed. Ok it was a bet between two Physics PhDs, no mechanical engineer of equivalent education was involved ( perhaps Bill Nye naaa )

Think of this a a bicycle Lagrangian? problem in which a rider can travel faster then if he did not use a bicycle. In this system "battery" energy is Human and storage is its mass, ie so one can coast at speed with no paddling, in this system human can move faster then bipedal motion. next time ask a mechanical engineer with appropriate background. Not all mechanical engineers are equal, just like Physicist.?#engineering ?#mechanical

All system when accelerated to a constant Velocity have stored energy. Take for instance bicycle rider accelerates to a constant velocity and can stop peddling. Wheels rotating are storing rotational energy and entire system of mass has linear stored energy as it is moving. I also have no problem with velocity profile -with height - my problem if you read carefully that both sides of the bet have failed to demonstrate energy flow in the system. Both offered explanations of lack of understanding of Lagrangian mechanics and expressed interest to learn it. This problem can be stated another way; at what speed in excess of the wind speed will the system reached equilibrium?

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC145?#csiro );?

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hmmm? something to reflect on. I read "Old Man and the Sea" by Hemingway when I was 12y old leaving an impression for the rest of my life. This and John Steinbeck left a great impression on my thinking same as Tolstoy or Dickens or Orwell and yet the world remains the same, we pay lip service but we are fundamentally in love with "money" at cost of the people. Those that lead us perhaps read those books but show no understanding on how to improve the world. There is no difference between "cold", "hot" or "proxy" , there is no "good" or "bad" or "evil" side ;it is still a war, war is war. It is what it is "suffering" by everyone especially poor and socially disadvantaged for generations to come, that is if we are lucky.

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC144?#csiro );?

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Management of science through practice of "quantum mechanics" or simply selective statistics, with moto "In a casino; luck is greatly underestimated". I still think "making impossible possible" height of hubris by a "management of science", and I have actually made impossible possible when I was an employee of CSIRO only to have petty jealousies steal my work and my ongoing position made redundant for those more qualified. And my csiro permeant file used as a "toilet wall" to smear my reputation after 35. What hurt the most was people "deemed more capable and qualified" losing our IP and patents to NSC Schlumberger. With a cherry on the top - they gave each other csiro medals. BUT I did not give up on my strong belief that my project was viable?#abares ?. Read more:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga ?or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR

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I slept on a simple logo design provided by csiro in their graduate adds, and by simple rearrangement& subtraction I got inspired this morning ; OR? Creativity its such a bi#ch to the csiro management of science. Amadeus: Mozart playing Salieri's music..?https://lnkd.in/gWYCKN3m ?as "csiro management of science" watches on. Laughing at your "minor deity" in csiro never pays off, they got that position because they can skim for months, years and conspire to make you redundant even if you are successful with patents. A major sin in csiro is being more creative (or smarter ) then your boss, success in csiro is not important it is all about "past glories of others", ephemeral issues and we shell never speak of failures ( faking it is also good ). Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga ?

My first paid job at BHPB and "real pay" after CSIRO resulted in solving a long term mystery of the Electric furnace at the Olympic Dam. In one of the meetings I was handed a report from csiro "why the electric furnace was underperforming ", I was told that csiro "described the problem " but never solved it. I quickly looked up page number on the last page, added 10 for cover note and blank pages - multiplied the number by $2000AUD, and told my audience that was their cost - they were surprised ( they chuckled/laughed ) at the accuracy of my estimate. At the fraction of csiro cost I solved the problem - it paid my mortgage off. This was an example of another minor Olympic Dam project that saved BHP money in access of what they paid me in 2007 :?https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/green-furnace-improvment-venturi-scrubber-nick-sokolov/ This was at age 40somthing my first ever real paid job, no more University sessional work no more BS from csiro , I now had enough money to build Australian only ever high production worsted comb.

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC143?#csiro );?

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I was so impressed. Extreme skill - I can tell if this was a person holding tools, in Australia commonly referred colloquially as a "Poseur" or actually the worker - this is a worker...Girl@work;


#xcsiro ?#csiro ?She remains me a bit of my co-worker and supporter at csiro very young Dr. Xiaoming Tao now at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Mentioning Xiaoming I feel like an underachiever She and Dr.Gilian Hinze were force of nature. Dr.Gilian Hinze is a farmer near Nhill; Nhill is a town in the Wimmera, in western Victoria, Australia. csiro failed to hang on those women. But this is a narrative csiro creates.The csiro management of ephemeral issues - this is their narrative https://lnkd.in/gXgUD6h

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC142?#csiro );?

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Opinion required; After rebuilding a HP35670A dynamic signal analyser, I added an option UK4 for sound analysis/ impact analysis. I tried to purchase HP ACOJ-7012XX, HP ACOJ-7046XX Free Field Microphones, These ?-inch microphones require the companion preamplifier (HP ACOP- 012XX) and a suitable power supply. UK4 provides 7pin LEMO connector but for the preamp to operate it only needs 6 pin as 2 additional pins are condenser mike voltage of 200V OR 28V for pressure mike. I presume that pressure mike is piezo electric type. They can be paired to minimize noise and cost less then few $. So I decided to build my own circuit , considering that the LIMO 1B plug cost more the the proposed circuit. Any advice?? Note: unlike?#csiro ?when I worked there I built most of my circuits even if the division had an Electrical Engineering section, Those guys were great and unlike most physicist in that division except Dr.Kirby . I learnt lot of practical stuff in EE. CSIRO is now smaller than when I was there and lot of wondaful technical people have retired and were never replaced as an average physicist thinks he knows how "everything works" including management of science - well they were and are still wrong. Now we have Management of science + google as expertise. Read more:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga ?or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR PS//advice to students - you do not need to work for csiro to gain experience although it looks good on a resume in pre 2000. Its nothing now.?#xcsiro

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Started buying components JT-16A step-up transformer in a faraday cage, I was wrong LIMO plug was not the most expensive item. Alternative to NI design is a Jensen JT-990C which I was unable to source. It will be an interesting build as a substitute for Agilent HP ACOJ-7012XX, HP ACOJ-7046XX Free Field Microphones,.

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Perhaps this design although simpler will exceeded the HP/Agilent design on the 1990. Both circuits will be built at moment I am waiting for parts. One circuit design is from NI and the other is Jensen. Jensen is much simpler but NI offers variable gain and increased sensitivity NI uses some Jensen parts. One needs to built both to test in parallel.

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This was another Jensen circuit I considered, any suggestions. Jensen components are not easily sourced.

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Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC141 #csiro );?

But in essence this collection is centred around a research funding technology for our unidirectional worsted comb robot including drives for the worsted comb ( technology worth billions to csiro and Australian economy?#abares ?). This is long standing dispute with csiro about IP and technology release I developed partly while in their employment, before my "redunducy" and mostly as CRD P/L. Technology was claimed by my superior by the virtue of creating my position within csiro to look into a solution to improve a productivity of the worsted comb, a problem that perplexed csiro for more then 50 years resulting in their failure of management of science to hold on to the technology once my first patent was produced. I have now taken that technology forward by creating a working prototype of a uni-directional comb that runs in a single direction without apron reversal. The technology that csiro lost I covered in past publications, but it was a win for the NSC Schlumberger with no return to Australia or csiro. CSIRO attempted to take my technology forward but failed - I guess not all engineers or scientists are created equal. The NSC Schlumberger expressed no interest in moving the technology forward since it was not in their economic interest - being the only manufacturer of the combing tech other then my company which based in Australia. The NSC Schlumberger expressed interest in my self as technology innovator, and according to them; "csiro was a known quantity", that was nice compliment after my treatment by csiro management.?#engineers ?#australia ?The NSC Schlumberger incorporated Sokolov cams [Ref:?https://lnkd.in/grqNXQ5 ]?into their design to make a more stable general worsted comb.?Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga ?.

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