New blog is live highlighting an important series from 99% Invisible. "Not Built For This" tackles the climate challenges in a 6 part series.
Rush and I just passed our 30 year anniversary of living and working in Charleston, SC and have seen quite a change to the built environment in retrospect. While there is much to notate on the changes since 1994 (population growth, multi-industry economic solidification, our ability to not freak out as much at the sight of a Palmetto Bug), one thing that has not changed is watching the tide chart when there is rain in the forecast lest we find ourselves navigating through flooded streets. Flash back to our first landlord ferrying us in his canoe from our attic apartment on Halsey Street to our car parked on higher ground a couple blocks away. Then there was the time we were returning home from a late night at the office and drove through what we thought was a puddle in Hampton Park Terrace to the detriment of our silver 2000 Volkswagon Beetle. Throw in multiple mandatory hurricane evacuations due to storm surge threats, heat waves, coastal erosion and the sub-effects of each, and it’s hard not to be thinking about lessons learned and how best to design in the future. Enter a new discovery from Roman Mars, Emmett FitzGerald and the team at 99% Invisible one of our go-to podcasts. The "Not Built for This" series explores the intricate relationship between design, infrastructure, and the unexpected challenges that arise from our built environment. Much more about this on today's blog: #climatechange #notbuiltforthis #nbft #99pi #charleston, #resilientdesign #builtenvironment