Many ML teams are becoming #Ray-curious; we've had many conversations about how to navigate Ray adoption. The richness of Ray's libraries, the simplicity of distributed programming with Ray, and portability of Ray programs are all extremely attractive features. But for teams just starting to experiment with Ray, there's often significant infra challenges. From the Platforms perspective, standardizing the path for researchers to launch Ray clusters is a headache unless your team is ready to universally adopt Ray. There's also other subtle sharp edges -- everything from making logging flow correctly to avoiding code serialization issues -- that make it incrementally more challenging to "gently" or "lightly" adopt Ray. In this blog post, we praise Ray for its strengths, but raise some common misconceptions or challenges that teams have. Finally, we propose that using Ray shouldn't be more complex than any other library that you can reach for. With Runhouse, you can write regular Ray programs without worrying about the infrastructure. You simply request compute from Runhouse (running over your Kubernetes clusters or elastic cloud compute), and call`.distribute('ray')` -- we wire up the Ray cluster for you and make it available for "serverless" execution of your Ray code. You can take your existing code and dispatch it to Ray clusters in an afternoon (rather than after a quarters-long Platforms team effort) #ML #AI #Training #RayData #RayTrain