At yesterday's Club meeting, we hosted our annual Rotary Salutes Veterans Program (RSVP), where local veterans are presented with Quilts of Valor in honor of their service. Congratulations to this year's honorees: - Daniel Merryweather, U.S. Army - Joseph Merryweather, U.S. Army - Edward Morman, U.S. Army - Zachary Stubbs, U.S. Navy (not pictured) - Linda Whaley, U.S. Air Force - Richard Zayat, U.S. Marines We would like to thank our RSVP Committee, Master of Ceremonies Dr. Benny White, D.B.A., Naperville Mayor Scott Wehrli, VFW Naperville Judd Kendall Post 3873 Chaplain Bob Grember, Quilts of Valor Foundation members Susan E. Wing and Gail Ishii, and the Barbershoppers.