In 2020, Jean C. Romulus, MPA, Romulus & Son LLC Co-Founder, appeared on BBC News for an interview with Maryam Moshiri about his service as Project Director for the HEAL Haiti COVID-19 Response Education and Immediate Needs project that touched 20,000 lives in Artibonite, Haiti. #purpose #publichealth #leadership #projectmanagement
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At the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the Haiti-Louisiana: Tides of Freedom exhibit, we honored the shared histories and struggles for freedom in Haiti and Louisiana. We were honored to be part of this significant event, curated by Max Jean-Louis, MBA, which features artwork by seven artists that convey a universal message of freedom and resilience Read more about this impactful exhibit in the UN article here: Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to celebrate and promote Haiti and Louisiana's rich cultural heritage and shared history of resilience and freedom. #TidesOfFreedom #HaitianHistory #LouisianaHistory #RomulusAndSon #UNExhibit #CulturalHeritage #ArtExhibition
check out the United Nations article about Tides of Freedom
??? We are proud to announce our collaboration with Curator Max Jean-Louis, MBA, the Haitian Embassy, OIF, ATABEY - Storytelling and Cultural Institute, and Nous Foundation for the Tides of Freedom exhibition at the United Nations. Join us from May 17th to 24th for a week-long celebration of Haitian and Louisiana culture, featuring artworks, performances, and discussions! The intro event was covered by Ticket Magazine. Don't miss this unique opportunity to explore the intertwined histories of these two regions. See you at the UN! ?? #TidesOfFreedom #UNExhibit #Haiti #Louisiana #ArtAndCulture
Romulus & Son LLC is honored to support this momentous occasion.
Art curator | Journalist | Multicultural & Multilingual Community Engagement Expert | Ingenious community development advocate skilled in leading sustainable strategic programs and cultivating philanthropic initiatives.
IN ENGLISH: What an incredible evening we shared at the " Haiti-Louisiana: Tides of Freedom" introductory cocktail in New York! The room was abuzz with passionate conversations, the art was captivating, and the energy was truly electric. Thank you to each and every one who was part of this momentous occasion. Your presence, enthusiasm, and thoughtful contributions made the event truly unforgettable. As we move forward, we are eagerly preparing for the exhibition's arrival in New York City. We will be sharing updates very soon. EN FRAN?AIS : Quelle soir��e incroyable nous avons eu pour le cocktail de pr��sentation de l��exposition �� Ha?ti-Louisiane: Les Mar��es de la Libert��" �� New York ! L��ambiance ��tait �� son comble avec des conversations passionn��es, des oeuvres d��art captivantes et une ��nergie collective au top. Merci �� celles et ceux qui ont pris part �� cette soir��e m��morable. Votre pr��sence, votre enthousiasme et chacune de vos interventions ont rendu cet ��v��nement inoubliable. Nous maintenons notre cap et pr��parons l'arriv��e de l'exposition �� New York. Nous partagerons tr��s prochainement des mises �� jour sur les lieux et le calendrier. Thank you, merci to our partners and sponsors:?Jean C. Romulus, MPA, Romulus & Son LLC, Nous Foundation, Centre de la francophonie des Am��riques, OIF, The Gentlemen's Factory, Bottle Bronx, Reb��l Restaurant, Creole Image, Fondation Barbancourt
Celebrate the Tides of Freedom and its New York Arrival! Join us for an intimate introductory cocktail to toast the upcoming arrival of the groundbreaking exhibition "Haiti-Louisiana: Tides of Freedom" in New York City! Mingle with fellow art enthusiasts, artists, and community leaders while enjoying art, music, and refreshments. This event also honors Haitian revolutionary hero Toussaint Louverture on the anniversary month of his passing. Don't miss this chance to: Be among the first to experience the exhibition's impact. Spark conversation about shared Black history. Connect with the community and shape the exhibition's journey in New York. Limited capacity - RSVP today! Click here to check out Tides of Freedom Louisiana: C��l��brons les Mar��es de la Libert�� et son arriv��e �� New York ! Rejoignez-nous pour un cocktail intimiste afin de c��l��brer l'arriv��e prochaine �� New York de l'exposition d��anthologie "Ha?ti-Louisiane : Les Mar��es de Libert��" ! Retrouvez des passionn��s d'art, des artistes et des leaders communautaires tout en profitant de l'art, de la musique et de rafra?chissements. Cet ��v��nement rend ��galement hommage au h��ros r��volutionnaire ha?tien Toussaint Louverture, �� l��occasion du mois-anniversaire de sa mort. Ne manquez pas cette occasion : D����tre parmi les premiers �� d��couvrir l'impact de l'exposition. De prendre part �� une conversation sur l��histoire partag��e des personnes d��ascendance africaines De tisser des liens avec la communaut�� et fa?onner le parcours de l'exposition �� New York. Places limit��es - RSVP aujourd'hui ! Cliquez pour en savoir plus sur l'exposition en Louisiane: Art: Toussaint Louverture by Patricia Brintle